Import geometry from Mike 11 file

The Mike 11 software ( is a monodimensional free-form hydraulic modeling code based on the Saint-Venant equations developed by DHI (Dansk Hydraulisk Institut, or Danish Hydraulic Institute).

To import a file in Mike 11 format, use the online file conversion tool in Mike 11 format to Import sections and cross profiles in SIC text format :

Another option is, under Mike 11, to export the sections in a txt file in raw data mode, then to launch a routine under Matlab (script mike2sic.m) which will convert this file into another txt file in the format of import from SIC, and finally to import the data from this file into a reach. As an option, the section format can be converted from abscissa-elevation to width-elevation (routine ac2lc), as well as reducing the number of description points (routine F_Approx_Sections_v6). These routines are available upon request.

Cross sections from MIKE11 can be exported by following the steps below:

  • Open MIKE Zero
  • Open the .xns11 through Open (or drag and drop)
  • Select File >> Export All Sections >> Export Raw Data…
  • Save the cross sections out as a .txt file