Cross structures description

To enter a cross structure: double-click on the corresponding singular section.

A cross-structure is composed of one or more devices in parallel.

Regulation (steady flow only) : target elevation

In steady flow, it is possible to ask FLUVIA to calculate a gate opening or a sill elevation or any other caracteristic of a device to achieve a water elevation upstream the structure across.

In the "Cross-Structure regulation" part, choose "Targeted elevation (m)" and set the elevation that is to be obtained at the upstream of the structure. Then, select the device that is to be regulated and click the calculator in front of the device feature (valve opens, width, dimension strike ...) that will be regulated to achieve the objective. The selected field shows in green the reference "In Calculation" instead of its value and a box at the bottom right allows you to enter mini and maxi bounds and an initial value of the calculation.